I See Dumb People (ISDP)
Posted: by ModulaOblongata in Labels: Booncheat, I See Dumb People, Music, Rock, Ska PunkI See Dumb People (ISDP) isn't really a "ska-band", just a bunch of friends, who have same interests, same musical influences, same passion, which is to be good at the instruments they play.
ISDP emerged after dean (drummer) wonder if he could play drums after he felt that he sucks on guitars. Then he asked his respectful buddy, ajen (guitarist / vocalist) if he would join him to form a band together, and "sure" was the lowest "word" he would think about. Then, dean gave ajen a few songs of Shaka Labbits, and "88 Royal Ska" made ajen wanted a band that sounds like the mighty "Shaka Labbits".
Then ajen told his friend, Jien the metalhead that he needs a bassist. Jien agreed and they started to jamm together. At first, they were just playing around, and they had never thought about being serious playing music. But after a couple of jamming session and being misunderstood that they were playing "Brit Rock" instead of "Ska Punk" when they played their very first song "Korupsi Ideologi", they changed the song and they felt that they have to show all music enthusiasts about how the "not-really-SKA-band" sounds like.
The name "I SEE DUMB PEOPLE" came after ajen wore a shirt printed with "i see dumb people" words on it and dean asked ajen if he agrees if the band being named after "I SEE DUMB PEOPLE" "because the name represented the band better than the members of ISDP itself". :) After a few arguements, bombing all around, and sneezing on the faces amongst them, "I See Dumb People" were taken as the official name.
It was about 8 months they had been playing music together as a 3-piece band and it was not really easy for ajen to hold the responsibility as a lyricist, sings and plays the guitar at time. To ease his burden, they had to find another guitarist. A bunch of names listed and a lot of people have been rejected as well.
Then ajen asked the "future-businessman" friend named Faris studying at UTM Jalan Semarak, if he would join this band.
But they had to test faris first to see what he is capable of, the sentimental value "korupsi ideologi" was taught and surprisingly, he managed to memorize all 4 songs of ISDP in just 2 days! It was very delightful after the completion of ISDP lineups.
A year with full of poking nose and fart extensively, ISDP got their very 1st invitation to perform in a gig at Taman Tampoi Utama, JB called "Ska + Punk Rock = Unite!". They got a lot of good responses from the crowds and also friends.
A month after the gig ended, ISDP got their 1st ever endorsement from Jig Studio located at "Taman Sri Rampai". They had never thought about the endorsement at all. But it is really good when somebody appreciate what the ISDP is trying to do. Please do check the super-duper-friendly-kacak-muah2! buddy Nazril aka Jig by visiting his Jamming Studio's profile. And please spread the news about Jig's. It helps, really.
Now, ISDP are struggling to release their very 1st single in the nearest time, Insya-Allah. Please do contact them if you have any question, gig's invitation, tupperware party, submarine auction or anything else.
They are all nice-dumb-people and won't bite. :)
Website: www.myspace.com/iseedumbpeople
Anda boleh menonton video mereka di youtube, taip I See Dumb People Band. Terima kasih kerana menyokong. ISDP berdesup! :)